Thursday 18 May 2017

My Apple Peeler Writing

What if you could peel and core a apple all at the same time well you can there is a machine called a apple peeler it can core a apple and peel it.

First you will need a flat surface to balance your apple machine thing on like a table or something. Then on the bottom of the peeler there is a bit that you can stick to the table so it stays stable there is a little handle on the side that will help it do that. You pull that little handle thing and the bottom will suck to the bottom.

The second step is to put the apple on the stick thing and get it steady then you start twisting the handle on the side and the apple will start movies. If you want it just cored then you take the peeler away from it and it will just core the apple. But if you want is peeled and cored well you have to have them both there so it can do its jobs.

The third step is it will start coring and peeling and you should really go slow so it doesn't fall off the stick. After it starts peeling or what ever your doing with it and it stops that's when you take it off the stick thing just watch out because you could cut yourself on the blades they are very very sharp.

The fourth step is to stop twisting it and take the apple machine off the table and go put it in the sink and wash it and get it clean before you reuse it again. Otherwise you don't want it yucky and dirty.